Trivia Question
of the Week
Created 4/19/00


NU Football Trivia Question of the Week
--The Archive--

The NU Football Trivia Question of the Week lasted from April 2000 until the end of the 2005 season (from April until June 2000 it was posted on a SportsOnly message board; from July 2000 until November 2005 it was posted here).  Readers e-mailed their responses to the week's question, and the correct respondents were announced the following week.

The NU football trivia question of the week could be about anything, as long as there was some connection (no matter how fragile or implausible that connection might be) to Northwestern University football. Up until February 2001, the first correct e-mailed answer won; from 2001 through 2005 all correct answers mailed in during the week of the question won. 

Each time a reader "won" by correctly answering the week's question, he or she earned one point.  At the end of the season there was a prize drawing (usually for a sweatshirt), and readers received the same number of entries in the drawing as they had wins during the season.

What follows is an archive of all the questions, with links to each season, below.