About HailToPurple.com

HailToPurple.com is my personal homepage:
a completely independent, private Northwestern football fan
site, biased, unyielding to reason,
gloriously dimmed through
purple-shaded glasses and bloated from grape Kool-Aid. NU has a
expressive fan base; this site hopes to remain one more voice screaming
in that din. The focus of the site is NU Wildcat football history, trivia, and fan commentary.
If you
have any comments or suggestions, please let me know by e-mailing GoUPurple@aol.com.
Site History and Affiliates
- July 12, 2000:
GoUPurple Site begins
- February 10, 2002:
Site URL changes to http://HailToPurple.com
- January
2006: HailToPurple.com shifts to a less-regularly updated format.
The Trivia Question of the Week has been retired, as have most of the
Website's ongoing features.
In addition to this website, HailToPurple.com also maintains a Twitter feed.
Many people (some who identify themselves with their real names; others
use their Internet nicknames) have provided key contributions to the
content of HailToPurple.com. I'd like to express my sincere
thanks to each
of them for the information, stories, and images that they have shared:
- In
addition to his work on the Lowes Line, Keven Vedder provided
occasional commentary on HTP, and he co-managed the HTP Twitter feed.
- Jonathan
Hodges ran his own blog from 2004 until mid-2007. From July 2007
through November 2012 he was a primary content
provider for this site.
- A staple on
FarEastWildcat.com for several years, The Waterboy began posting
his commentary to this site in the fall of 2005.
- Alaskanwildcat has contributed many wonderful original game photos since 2005. Before that, Zoo
Cat and Conrad Cat provided the bulk of this site's original game
and videos. Other valuable original images have come from
BeaverCat, Far East Wildcat, and others.
- George
Beres, former NU Sports Information Director, contributed a
of articles to the site, some published only on HailToPurple.com.
to Mr. Beres for his generosity and contributions.
- NationalChampionsSomeday contributed several diary-style articles describing his exploits on
the road and visits to Ohio State and Michigan.
- Published during
the season, the Lowes Line game predictions are articles
written by the Lowes Line Staff, including Jersey Cat,
GallopingGrapes, Eric Cockerill, Joel Kanvik, Charlie Simon, and Brian
- A host of readers
contributed questions for the Trivia Question of the Week.
Site Advertising, Disclaimer, and
Privacy Policy
There is absolutely
third-party commercial advertising on this site whatsoever (not even
for Dunkin' Donuts.
Dunkin' Donuts.
Mmmmm. Donuts. Doesn't that sound like a good idea right
now? A fresh, delicious Dunkin' Donut?). This site is
a personal fan page, with no financial support or motive.
With the exception of
text cited as
a quote and photo and graphic images taken from other sources and
as such, all content on this site is copyright ©2000-2024 HailToPurple.com / L.D. LaTourette.
I hold a B.A. from
the (now
Weinberg) College of Arts and Sciences and an M.A. from the Graduate
School. I have been attending NU football games since
1988, and I have been a season ticket holder since 1996. Neither my site
nor I have any affiliation or official connection
to the NU athletic department, and my opinions and views do not in any
represent the athletic department. If
you read
this Web site and thought otherwise, your acumen is gravely suspect.
you e-mail me with comments, I may publish to this site your remarks, unless
tell me that the information in your e-mail is not for public
in which case I will honor your request and keep such
correspondence confidential. I will in any event not use your
name unless you request I do so.
While most of this site
is posted
a standard Arial font, the site logo and some of its banner text are
using Peignot (or Peinaud). This was the font Northwestern used
for its football
programs when I was an undergrad.
The predominant color
used for the graphics and layout for
HailToPurple.com is "GoU"Purple (color hex code 6c0082), which is
slightly lighter than the
university's official shade of purple (hex code: 520063). Both
"bluer" than the shade NU uses for its official sports Website,
(hex code: 660066).
