Links Page
Updated 9/6/23

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Northwestern Sites

NUSports.com-- Now operated by Learfield Sports and Northwestern Sports Properties, this is the official NU
athletic site, providing info
about all Northwestern teams. Includes press releases,
and up to date team rosters.
site includes current video commentary by Lauren Withrow, covering NU
football. It also houses the official NU athletic / fan merchandise site.
Social Network Sites and Fundraising--
This section of NU communications has changed quite a bit in the last
couple of years. The Northwestern Gridiron Network, or NGN, was the NU
booster club and used to control the site www.supportthecats.com.
However, as of 2023 the NGN no longer has any online presence, and the
SupportTheCats page is now an official NU site featuring:
Here are a few of the key social media pages that NU hosts:
University-- NU's
Web site, a portal to just about everything on campus and to the alumni
Archives-- The
University Archives (now located in the Charles Deering McCormick
Library) has a wide-ranging digital collection available online..
The Archives has posted series of film clips of NU football, and is continuing to expand the list of restored and digitized game films.
Sound Experiment and the only place to hear reggae, industrial, and
Nemoy singing Beatles tunes, all in one evening. Here is their NU football page. WNUR-FM
the Wildcats, as does WGN;
however, only WGN carries the games live on the Web.
In Spring 2005 WNUR's Howard Tilman posted
to WNUR's web site his discussion about HailToPurple.com, the first
edition of his series, "So You're a
Northwestern Fan."
Fan Sites and Blogs
Like Hail To Purple, these are pages
run by individuals, non-commercial and independent.
1: Actively Updated Fan Sites Pages active as of September 2023
Bring Your Champions, They're Our Meat--
for a shock to the system? Then take a look at the wittiest,
strangest, and most inexplicable NU fan site of all time. A blog
that began in November 2008, BYCTOM features sports commentary that
focuses on NU football... sort of. I fear that the creator of
BYCTOM might give up and stop updating (the updates are, shall we say, sporadic).
Two words of advice to this person: DON'T STOP. Do whatever it
takes to go on. Quit your job. Release the hostages.
Make an unholy pact with the darker forces of your psyche-- whatever it takes.
West Lot Pirates-- "Give
no quarter-- especially the fourth." Semi-pro tailgating group
the West Lot Pirates set up this podcast-laden masterwork in December 2010
to help you follow NU football and the Pirates' exploits as they
continue to show no mercy to Ryan Field's western waste.
Section 2: Inactive Fan Sites Sites on the Web, but no longer updated |
Northwestern Highlights-- Wildcat
fan NUBears (aka NUWildcats) made a cottage industry of creating
outstanding YouTube clips from Northwestern football games, both recent
and historical (see the YouTube link at the top of this page).
Here is his personal site, begun November 2008, which archives all his
efforts. Last updated February 2016. |
Expect Victory Right-- Started
August 2010, Expect Victory Right cleverly combines the two
catchphrases "Expect Victory" and "Victory Right" for its title.
Detailed pre and post-game commentary. Last updated in 2011.
Bleed Wildcat Purple-- A
Northwestern football fan blog that began September 2010. Bleed
Wildcat Purple is a student-run site, last updated in 2012.
Section 3: The Dearly Departed NU football fan sites that are
no longer on the Web.
Click here
for a list of defunct fan sites.
Unofficial Northwestern Sites
Pages either affiliated
with an Internet network or run as commercial sites
Rivals' WildcatReport.com-- This is Northwestern's site
within the Rivals / Yahoo
network. The current Rivals site is administered by Lou
Vaccher, who provides original and in-depth coverage of games,
recruiting and more. Larry Watts, who used to write for the Evanston Review, had also provided material for Rivals.
The site was started by Chris Pool back on the old
RivalNet network toward the end of 1996. Roy Lamberton later ran
the site (and called it Purple Reign) starting in the fall of 2000. In
November 2002 Roy took Purple Reign to Scout, joining Chris Pool.
247Sports' Purple Wildcats-- A
CBS Sports affiliate network, 247Sports is a site similar to Rivals, with a combination of free and paid premium content.
Emma, after leaving Scout, began the Northwestern section of
247Sports ("Wildcat Digest") in 2014 and covered NU athletics and
recruiting until he left in 2015. Since then, publishing duties have
shifted several times.
In February 2017, 247 purchased the Scout network and absorbed its
sites, including the NU site Purple Wildcats. Purple Wildcats was created by Chris Pool after he left
Rivals. Several people administered the site after Pool left, including
Lamberton, Chris Emma, Nick Medline, and Steven Goldstein, before the
site became a holding shell. The Scout network of sites used to
be part of Fox
Sports. |
Inside NU-- The
SB*Nation network's NU section,
with a staff that included former writers from Sippin' On
Purple and Lake The Posts.
commercial site begun in 2012, Inside NU was created
by Medill students Kevin
Trahan and Chris Johnson. In 2014 it moved to SB*Nation and took over SB*Nation site
Sippin' On Purple. |
North by Northwestern-- Hard to peg: NbN is not an official NU publication, nor is it part of a
larger Internet network. It is a completely independent online
student publication for the NU community, begun in 2006. Features
thorough coverage of NU sports.
Chicago Tribune-- The
coverage for
NU by the Chicago media waxes and wanes. Right now it is at a
low mark (as is the Trib itself). Teddy Greenstein used to cover NU;
the Trib now has someone named "Associated Press" providing most of its
thin coverage.
If you think the Trib's coverage of NU is poor, it's better than the Sun-Times, which no longer covers NU sports at all. The Sun-Times now only covers pro sports and high schools, with occasional coverage of some college in Indiana. No link.
ESPN-- The
Purple's team page from ESPN. Links to ESPN articles about the
'Cats. The network's Big Ten blog, once a great resource, appears to be inactive.
Illustrated-- SI's
small page devoted to Northwestern. Includes sports.
FoxSports-- When
Wildcats Attack: Highlights Here. A meld of several groups,
including Fox, CollegeFootballNews.com, the Sporting News and The
SportsLine-- The
Tiffany Network's team page for NU.
NBC-- Another
NU page, with a few basic stats and stories.
Message Boards
Want to post your
Wildcat football rants? Want to lurk and see what others
are writing about NU? Here are all of the NU football message
boards. |
- Rivals Wildcat Football Free Board-- The main Rivals NU board.
The former "Purple Reign," it is now moderated by LouV and the Rivals staff.
- Rivals Wildcat Football Premium Board-- A premium, fee-based message board returned to Wildcat Report in 2007 as a place for Rivals subscribers to discuss
recruiting scoops and other topics.
- 247Sports Board-- Message board for Purple Wildcats.
- "NWU"
Sport List Archive-- This
page is a partial archive of the "NWU Sports List," run by Mike
Nolan. Members subscribe
to participate.
Not a conventional message board, but a list of e-mailed posts.
The oldest
existing Northwestern message board (started circa 1994). Viewing the archive
used to be open to all, but changed in 2004 to an entirely
subscription-based service.
YouTube NU Football Index
A page of links, devoted to Wildcat game clips currently housed on YouTube
Sites of Interest to NU Fans
Big Ten - Online-- A nice survey of each Big Ten school's online info and resources.
The NCAA's official site. Of particular note is the site's records page,
which gives links to on-line and free copies of the most recent NCAA
football record books, in Adobe format. A must for football
history and stats buffs.
NU Alumni Football Cards-- Interesting gallery of antique football cards featuring NU alumni during their pro careers.
What used to be an independent and fun college football site eventually
became part of the Scout network. As of 2015 it had quietly become part
of USA Today. A few years ago it moved from USA Today to Sports Illustrated. Still very interesting
analysis and commentary.
James Howell's College Football Power Ratings. A creative rating system that James Howell has applied to just
about every team in college history. Extensive site
schedules, scores, results from the Ice Age.
College Football Data Warehouse (Internet Archive)--
This is a loss: The College Football Data Warehouse was a fantastic
online resource for researching school histories and coaching records.
Sadly, the Warehouse dropped from the Internet several years ago. The
Internet Archive does have a partial archive of the site, which remains
Sports Reference Database--
Similar structure to the old College Football Data Warehouse. A lot of
historical data for NU football. Not all of it is 100% accurate, so be
sure to cross check.
Pro Football Reference-- Lists all NU football players who have played in the NFL, with key stats.
Helmet Project--
The Helmet Project is one graphic artist's attempt to recreate
every football helmet ever worn by an organized team. The Big Ten
has a page, and NU's section includes illustrations of some of the
helmets since 1960.
