'Cat Data
Extra Section
Updated 4/14/24

This section offers facts that
are not presently
included in the NU media guide. These "extras" either used to be
in the media guide, but are no longer given, or they are features that could
be supplemental to NU's official information, but are not offered by NU.
of NU games,
Updated Dec. 2023
This graph shows every official game
(represented by the purple dots) Northwestern has ever played, from
1882 through December 2023. The Y axis is calibrated by the point
between NU
and its opponent. For instance, if NU defeated a given opponent
the difference is +7. If NU lost 10-0, the difference is
A dot on the zero line therefore represents a tie (ties are
included on the graph). The purple
line is a moving average of the games, calculated based on the last 50 games.
It is important to note when interpreting the chart that the moving
is not based on wins and losses, but on the point difference.
Wins / Losses By Season,
graph above illustrates the number of wins (purple bars) and losses
bars) for every season NU has played football officially. The line
chart at
top of the graph shows NU's winning percentage for each year.
note that ties are not included in either the bar or line chart
Wins / Losses By Month,

The graph above illustrates the number of wins (purple bars)
and losses (grey bars) by month. This chart does not include
ties, nor does it include
the few games NU has played in January, February, August, or December.
Examples of NU Athletic Dept. Marketing
