


Images: Ryan Field I Demolition,
February - May 2024

NOTE: This page is occasionally updated with new images from the Ryan Field I teardown.

Feb. 18-- Two Days After Demolition Bagan

Crews knock out the southeast corner of the stadium
[Image sent to HTP]

Less than a week after the city of Evanston finally gave Northwestern a demolition permit, construction crews began tearing down Dyche Stadium / Ryan Field I, 98 years after the stadium's creation.

For two weeks, fans watched as construction vehicles, cinderblock, and fencing appeared and ringed the stadium. On February 16, crews tore out some of the brickwork around the old ticket office. Then, on Saturday the 17th, the demolition began in earnest.

Crews began by knocking down a sizable chunk of the southern horseshoe enclosure, which had been added to the stadium in 1949. When they were done, they had opened a large space in the southeast corner of the stadium. According to sources, this was done first so that crews can move construction equipment onto the field, where they will begin tearing out the seating, working their way from the inside out. The plan is to keep the large masonry exterior for as long as possible during demolition, trapping as much noise as possible within the bowl of the stadium and helping to cut down on noise distraction in the neighborhood. The southeast corner opening will be used to haul debris away.

Additionally, separate sources told tha
t the Wildcat statue, nicknamed Hannibal, was put into storage and will reappear when Ryan Field II is ready to open in 2026. The donor bricks that paved the small court around the statue were also saved from demolition.

[Image sent to HTP]

[Image from the Trib.]

Feb. 19

Southeast and east-side seating areas are coming down
[Logan Schiciano]

Feb. 27

Overhead view of the elimination of the southeast stands

Mar. 5

Work begins on the upper deck

Mar. 8

More of the southwest stands are razed

Mar. 12

The southwest tower loses its top

Mar. 13

The ramains of the southwest tower are now separate from the rest of the stadium

Mar. 13

Another aerial view on March 13, as the southwest tower loses more of its upper half
[K. Habermehl]

Mar. 14

Just one day later, the southwest tower is completely gone
[A. Parrilli]

Mar. 17

Overhead shot showing the elimination of the southern half of the stadium
(Eerily, the goalposts and field design remain)

Mar. 17

Ground view after the demolition of the southern half of Ryan

Mar. 23

Another ground view; the northwest stands are gone
M. Lowe]

Mar. 24

The northwest tower is now separated from the main structure
[B. Kamir

Mar. 25

A day later, much of the northwest tower has been demolished
[S. H. Rowley

Mar. 26-27

By late March, only sections of the west and northeast stands remained
[S. H. Rowley

Mar. 27

Drone view of the demolition of the northwest tower
[Central Street Consortium]

Mar. 30

The press box stands alone
[S. H. Rowley

Mar. 31

By Easter, the northwest tower was gone
[A. Prakash / The Daily

April 5

Elevated shot of the remains of the west stands
[Central Street Consortium

April 5

Surreal image of the inside-out demolition of the locker rooms.
[Central Street Consortium

April 8

The locker rooms and Walker Terrace have been demolished.
Improbably, the south goal post remained.
[Central Street Consortium

April 10

The press box roof is clearly gone. Little remains of the original west stands
except a few of the arch supports

April 12

Rebar hangs from a lone arch support on the west side.

April 12

For the first time since 1996, McGaw Hall's facade is seen unobstructed.
Note that the scoreboard / monitor is gone as of April 12.

April 12

The press box appears nearly ready to go.
(Seriously, that south goal post is still up!)

April 18

All that is left is the '97 press box AND THE GOAL POST.

April 20

You can now see through the press box and its remaining supports.

April 28

Spring fog brings an otherworldly quality to this image of the demolition.

May 1

Only the shell of the press box survives. The south goalpost has finally fallen.

Farewell to the Jewel of the North Shore

This photograph of the remaining portion of Ryan Field, possibly
the most poignant image of the stadium ever made, was posted on Twitter
by Audrey Pachuta on April 16, 2024.