

UnderArmour And NU
Unveil Gothic Unis

UPDATED- Just 48 hours after releasing the preview video during the Wisconsin game, NU released images of the new alternate "Northwestern Gothic" uniform that the team will wear against Nebraska.

The team released some images on its facebook page, including this montage photo:

The uniform archive now has some of the uniform information posted; additional details will post before the Nebraska game.

NU Provides Sneak Peak of
UnderArmour Gothic Unis

During the win vs. the Badgers, NU showed a sneak peek of its alternate black uniform, which it will wear during the homecoming night game against Nebraska. The school also released a shorter version of the teaser online:

The video, accompanied by the opening notes of the Rolling Stones classic "Paint It Black," features the gold-scripted, gothic-font "Northwestern University" campus signs, then blur-cuts to a black jersey with the same script on the chest.

The longer video (only shown in the stadium) also appears to show a black (matte?) helmet, with an embossed gold illustration of the Northwestern Weber Arch on the back.

What follows are illustrations that estimate what these uniforms might look like. Again, these are guesses, taken from the nearly subliminal cuts in the teaser video: [Updated after the uniform unveiling]

The uniforms fulfill commentary made by UnderArmour back in June 2012, before the company unveiled NU's new standard uniform style. Back then, the company referred to using campus landmarks such as the gothic text and gothic arches.

Also, it should be noted that black and gold were NU's original colors, selected by the students in 1879 (before that, NU's teams wore a variety of colors, including light blue and white, and brown and white; however, none of these were official colors). Black and gold lasted only briefly, before the school switched to purple and gold later in 1879. NU's early teams did wear purple and gold, but the football team has never worn the original black and gold-- at least, not until this month.