Nov. 27, 2020
The 'Cats served a 4th "Behind the Covid 8-ball” game
Although in-depth research in this subject is lacking on my part, I offer this question to the 2020 collegiate football fan…
Is there any other NCAA Division 1A/Power 5 football team that has been
forced to play more 2020 scheduled games in which their current
opponent has been proffered a "Covid Bye" on the prior weekend, or on
multiple previous weekends, as often as the 'Cats?
The "Covid Bye" game, whether postponed or "canceled" then changed to
"no contest," was in direct play for the Wildcat's grapple on/against -
1. Nov. 7 vs Nebraska
("Covid Bye" on Oct. 31, vs _isconsin - Game "postponed"; "no contest" status unknown)
2. Nov. 14 vs Purdue
("Covid Bye" on Nov. 7 vs _isconsin - Game "canceled", changed to "no contest")
3. Nov. 21 vs _isconsin
("Covid Bye" on Oct. 31 vs Nebraska - Game "postponed")
- and -
("Covid Bye" on Nov. 7 vs Purdue - Game "canceled", changed to "no contest")
4. Nov. 27 vs Michigan State
("Covid Bye" on Nov. 21 vs Maryland - Game "canceled", changed to "no contest")
Now mind you... I read somewhere that “on or just after the start of
scheduled 2020 B1G games” the B1G commissioner’s office made the
executive decision that any Covid-related 2020 "canceled" game has been
changed officially to "no contest" and is registered as such in 2020
B1G record books (e.g.: the game isn't considered a "loss, but,
instead, is merely a "not played" thing). Any B1G football
program that has 3 "cancelled/no contest" games in the 2020 season is
automatically declared "ineligible" to become a B1G Division Champion
and, subsequently, disqualified from participating in the B1G
Championship game to be held on Dec. 19th. Consequently, the
Wisky program currently stands, feet dangling, at the very edge of the
"Ineligible" disqualification cliff.
Refer to:
the Covid decision points are and, at present, have been set in-place
by the B1G commissioner's office; the fact remains that the 2020
Northwestern Wildcat football program is and has been at a decidedly
significant disadvantage at having been forced to compete against 4 of
its 6 B1G foes, after those opponents essentially have had one or more
"Covid Bye" weeks given them - with 3 of those 4 bye weeks having been
granted on the week immediately before the current game week. To
be sure, a "bye week" is a very valuable & consequential item to
any football team, college or pro, especially in mid season. It
allows the "bye" team an extra 7 days to recover from injuries absorbed
in previous games, to provided its individual players much needed
mental & physical rest/recuperation time from the rigors of intense
competition on the field pf play and, most importantly, to allow the
"bye" coaching staff more ultra-critical time to analyze an opponent's
field play tendencies and conceive a game plan to exploit whatever
deficiencies or down-distance tendencies might be recognized and deemed
important towards securing a "W."
So, in a word, the current positive Covid-test dictated scheduling
modifications, as established by B1G “Powers-That-Be” to the 'Cats'
2020 football season, absolutely "SUX" - and THEY SUK BIG TIME.
The simple fact remains that HC Pat Fitz’ current 'Cats have met every
"Covid Bye" challenge thrown in their collective faces during the 2020
season - and secured a "W" in spite of those daunting challenges – and
makes this 5-0 team all the more special and deserving of any/all
support and recognition from we members of Wildcat Nation (both the
card-carrying and casual fan alike) and the college football community
at large. No other B1G football program comes close to achieving
what the 'Cats have done thus far in the 2020 season when dealing with
the “Covid Bye” week - NO BODY. Can these resilient and
resourceful Wildcats continue their remarkable resolve &
determination? It's all a TBD.
Next up the Wildcats is Moo U, whose 2020 B1G campaign fortunes have
given the "East Lansing Animal Husbands" a virtual "W" via their
regularly scheduled Nov. 21st bug-tussle with the Maryland Twerps
having been declared a Covid-19 "no contest" and became the most recent
B1G recipient of all the associated advantages which come with that
"not played" game. If ever there was a league-warranted “trap
game” in the ‘Cats’ 2020 pigskin campaign, this is it.
The Waterboy
“Win with Grace, Lose with Dignity”
The Waterboy is a former football player
and a Northwestern
alumnus. Aside from these facts, he has no affiliation with
Northwestern University. The commentary he posts here is his
own, and does not necessarily reflect the views of HailToPurple.com.